Majority in favour
As part of our efforts to inform and consult with local residents, we sent out leaflets with short questionnaires to 100 households located within a 1km radius of Skelmonae Windfarm and the windfarm at Hill of Skilmafilly. Of these, 31 questionnaires were returned and the split between them was 21 in favour of the Hill of Skilmafilly windfarm development, 3 who were undecided and 7 who opposed it.
Some of the positive comments that we received from local residents within this 1km zone include:
- “Fully support. Any help we can give, just ask.”
- “No wind noise. No problem at all.”
- “Like the turbines much more than pylons, which cover countryside.”
- “I have no objection to more wind turbines or their size. All in favour of renewable energy.”
- “Too far away from our location for us to comment on.”
- “No objections whatever.”
- “We need renewable energy. I think they are quite graceful, and often disappear into the mist.”
- “Don’t have a problem with the wind turbines, they are not a blot on the landscape, pylons are.”
- “Environmental and potentially of benefit to the local community.”
- “We need power from somewhere.”
- “We never objected in the first place and are positive about such developments.”
- “Good luck with your next phase – forward thinking and investment for future energy are what’s needed.”